Ben Thompson, PhD

“When it’s unclear how the pieces of our story fit together, we feel lost trying to make sense of it all. To ever feel found, to know who we are and to understand what it all means, we must learn how to tell our own story.”

Dr. Ben Thompson

Your Story Matters

Though it is often mysterious, there is a plan and a design for your life, a purpose that you must discover through courage and sacrifice. Meaning isn’t so much made as it is found. Often, that meaning resides in the last place you’d ever think or dare to look – the moments of your greatest despair, fear, and regret.

Those moments matter; they have a meaning which will be revealed to you if, and only if, you are committed to seeking purpose amidst pain. When you learn to harness the meaning of those moments, you’ll receive a gift of infinite worth –  your story. Together, we will tap into a power that will move you beyond merely telling your story to actually living it. 

Recovery Can Start Now

Recovering Your Story

Addiction is an illness that touches upon every aspect of an individual’s life. It has the potential to affect/infect the entire person – body, mind, and spirit – and to negatively impact every type of relationship. Out-of-control behaviors are very rarely the chief problem of addiction, though they are the most obvious symptom. 

More often, addiction is about not knowing how to manage unpleasant feelings, which can range from cravings for a given substance/activity to chronic depression, anxiety, and a profound sense of meaninglessness, emptiness, and lack of direction. 

Beneath all these uncomfortable and seemingly unmanageable feelings, however, there is usually an even deeper layer of untrue beliefs being held about the self. These beliefs are dysfunctional (meaning they don’t work) and they commonly manifest as the stories that we tell ourselves about ourselves.

High Points

turning Points

Low Points

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